exporting dops through chops - question

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hi all, I am having some trouble exporting dops through chops with the dynamics chop. I have an rbd scene where the active state of the rbds is being animated. In my chopnet I have a dynamics chop which is reading in the field names “t? p? r?”. I save these data channels to a .clip file. I wrote a python script to read in these values into maya and set keyframes on objects. The positions are correct, but the rotations are off by some constant. I believe the constant amount that the rotations are off by is their initial orientation (when they become active rigid bodies). In perusing the details view on the rigid bodies I can see the “p” and “t” values (which I add together to get the correct position in world space in maya), but I don't see any corresponding “r” item listed. The closest thing I see is “orient”, but this vector's values are in the range 0-1. Is this value equal to “r” (but fitted to the range 0-360) ? How would I go about extracting the real rotations ?

I would appreciate any info/insight anybody could give into this situation. If I get this script working I will post it onto the exchange.


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hmmm, I think the crux of the problem was that “point template attributes” was set to off on the copy sop which was creating the rbd geo. When I turn this to on it looks like the orientations are being passed properly through the chain. I'll investigate it further.

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