Maya geo cache in Houdini

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Is it possible to have a “file per frame”-cache from Maya in Houidini? I'm hoping to save some memory by using a single cache file per frame instead of one cache file to rule them all.

However, when exporting FBX from Maya I have no option to export the cache as one file per frame. But I have that option when I export a cache separately from Maya. Can I use that cache in Houdini and how?
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I found a way to do it. Which perhaps isn't the most convenient one but it works. I exported the Maya cache separately with one file per frame. Then exported my FBX with a geo cache. Then replaced the *.xml-file and the *.mc file with the ones I exported separately from Maya.

However a better way to do it would be nice. Even though I realize that this perhaps is more of a Maya question.
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While this is indeed a Maya question, we seem to be getting pretty good at answering them in addition to handling the Houdini ones. Have you tried changing this when creating the geometry cache in Maya? Instead of just selecting Geometry Cache->Create New Cache, click on the box next to this item to bring up the options window.

In it, you will see a “File distribution” setting, which has two options: “One file per frame” and “One file”. As far as I know, this is what determines how anything deals with geometry caches, including FBX export.
Oleg Samus
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Side Effects Software Inc.
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While this is indeed a Maya question, we seem to be getting pretty good at answering them in addition to handling the Houdini ones. Have you tried changing this when creating the geometry cache in Maya? Instead of just selecting Geometry Cache->Create New Cache, click on the box next to this item to bring up the options window.

In it, you will see a “File distribution” setting, which has two options: “One file per frame” and “One file”. As far as I know, this is what determines how anything deals with geometry caches, including FBX export.

Thanks. You were right, the Create New Cache options applied to the FBX export as well. However, it wasn't enough to just check the box for one file per frame. I first had to export a cache manually to get the setting “confirmed”, just clicking close didn't work even though it had the correct settings when I reopened the windows. Maya logic.
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