Moving points on NURBS refined curve not working correctly?

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I am new to Houdini and had been using 3ds max before, houdini is great but this one thing is driving me crazy and I can't figure out what the issue is nor find any tutorials that addresses this issue..

1) I create 2 nurbs curves and loft the surface
2) I then refine the surface, using 2 v curves and 2 u curves and put in many curves for each.
3) I go to point mode and then move around points on any of the curves that were created as a result of the refinement

4) when I do this movement it just moves the wireframe out but the actual surface stays in place

This is a fundamental aspect of nurbs modeling so there must be a way to get it to move the surface too right? Any advice is appreciated.
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seems I was able to get it to work.. not really sure what the issue was initially
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From the sounds of it there was no real issue, but simply a matter of having one node selected while the display flag was set on another.
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Yeah I think you're right
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