image or geo onto particle stream?

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Hello everyone,
I have a particle sim that looks like long grass blowing in the wind. Right now I have them just rendering as lines, but what I am trying to do is make each of the particle streams look like they are stalks of wheat blowing and bending in the wind. How would I go about applying an image to a stream of particles or is that even doable? I'm totally stuck on this.

Any suggestions on how to go about accomplishing the look I am going for would be very greatly appreciated.

I have the .hip file I am talking about attached.

Thank you in advance!

un-wheat-ish wheat stalks.hip (77.4 KB)

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With this approach I would likely create a curve from a single particle stream, generate a “width” attribute and copy that to a grid.
The width attribute will allow you to treat the curve as a surface which you can then project a texture of your grass stalk onto.
In the copy sop you would want to use some stamp functions to vary the length, movement of each stalk,etc.
See attached file.

un-wheat-ish_wheat_stalks_170_PR.hip (91.0 KB)

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Thank you so much for the tip. The only issue is that because the popnet is only creating once stream, the force sop that comes after it is now not affecting the entire group of “stalks” emitting from the grid. I have and $ID function in the force sop so it will create a sort of flag-waving wind effect running from one end to the other, kind of like gusting wind. Any suggestions? Thanks so much for your advice!
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