Maya and Houdini integration? (compositing)

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I had a question. This summer I'll be working with Dreamworks, along with a few other students, and I'll be charge of the SpecialFX. I know particles and fluids, somewhat, in Houdini. Slowly learning before the summer. Any who, my question has to do with integrating Houdini effects with Maya.

Fluids: Well, obviously a lot of fluids are transparent (somewhat). If I were to make a fluid sim in Houdini, render it out and try to composite it with anything rendered out in Maya, would it look strange?

I guess my questions have to do with the integration of the softwares. Individually I know the software enough to get by, but putting them together seems interesting.

Side note: Worked with fumefx this last semester and tried to composite a flame together with a hand rendered out in maya. It worked decently I guess, although the flame turned out a lot worse than it did in 3dsmax. That's the only reason I was a bit worried. Any way, thanks for the help!
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You always have the option of exporting the fluid surfaces via FBX or similar back to Maya for rendering. Then you shouldn't have any problems with integration.

Indeed an FBX export of the camera from Maya works well to.
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