using POP net to control fluid movement

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I've been having problems getting POP net to control the fluid movement. I followed the Houdini example file for the flowPop, and it doesn't work for me. Can someone point me to the right direction on how to use POP net to control the fluid simulations?
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The example file is not running at all? Or is it different from what you want to achieve?

In that flowPOP example the geometry, the simulation and the pop sit in a dop network.

There are 2 geometries: A curve and a pop. The particles from the pop act as forces, which are then applied as a microsolver to the particle fluid solver. (They get their force from the attractor pop, which in turn gets the force from the point sop of the curve geometry)

The number of pop particles is the same as that of the fluid particles (and so is the amount of points in the curve that acts as a goal for the particles). So a 1 to 1 to 1 relationship.
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The example file is different from what I want to achieve. However, in the example file, the pop network is broken when I go inside of it. It would work when i first open the file, but then it stops working when I click into the nodes. I followed that example and did the same thing, it worked half way, then it stopped working. In general, I need to have geometry and pop network inside the dop network in order to get it to work, right?
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No, the sop geometry doesn't have to be inside the dop network. You can import it from outside.

There are probably several ways of doing it but it depends also on your case.

In this particular example I think it boils down to “make particles a force that you then apply as microsolver to the particlefluid solver”
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I'm not sure how to correctly implement it. I've uploaded my file. some parts seems to be on the right track, but it's not working correctly. Can you take a look and see what I'm doing wrong? I'm pretty new to fluid.

testPOPFluid.hipnc (343.7 KB)

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Wohoo, there's a lot of stuff in that file, and some missing assets.

I'm not a DOPs expert so, rather than guess what's wrong with your file I set up the simplest scene I could think of.

Crucial, but unlikely-looking, nodes are in red.

smurfme.hipnc (320.2 KB)

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Thanks soothsayer, it's very helpful, it all makes more sense now.
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