reset group

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i create a group node that containing some of my sop,later somewhere down in my network i will reuse the group but i want to change its contain to create new definition- which mean i create a new group node with the same NAME, but it won't work.
is there any way i can reset the group and reuse it?

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selamat pagi!
( saya bisa bicara bahasa indonesia tapi hanya sedikit sedikit!)

dari indonesia?

hmm. bizarre you need the same name!
my idea is:
create a new groupSop .
in the first page of its parameter page, set the name of the group: NEWGROUP
By default it contains all the points
just go in the combine page of the GroupSOP parameter page…
MYOLDGROUP= ! NEWGROUP (complementary)
or intersect with a zero element group….
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yep, saya dari indonesia, tapi bukan dari bali.

anyway, i got it now.
before , i think that network like this: edit0–>groupA—>edit1–>groupA—>edit2 , the 2nd groupA is for resetting prev groupA, so then the edit2 will recognize the new groupA coz they're in one flow down, but then i realize that the sibling network which go through the other flow will be confused about using groupA. so that's why houdini doesn't allow me to reuse the name to reset.
anyway i'm just curious … never mind and thanx.

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Cool! It's been 11 years since I've seen Bahasa. Too bad I never learn it as a kid.
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tapi bukan dari bali
Why this precision? Are balinese so special?

it may sound a bit off-topic (answer if you want…) but

I'm interested to know where in the world Houdini is used.
Do you work in a factory/university?
Is there big CG studios in Indonesia. Is Houdini used in these studios?
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