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Technical Discussion » Persistent PIN of a Channel in the Animation Editor
- ikoon
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Technical Discussion » Persistent PIN of a Channel in the Animation Editor
- ikoon
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Please, is it somehow possible to set persistent PIN on a channel, in the Animation Editor, to have them PINned in a next Houdini session?
(I would send RFE, I am just not sure, thank you)
(I would send RFE, I am just not sure, thank you)
Technical Discussion » attribute wrangle // autobind by name - float/vector
- ikoon
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The VEX function setpointattrib() does not set the autobound attribute.
It seems, that I have to create two wrangles? One wrangle for floats and second wrangle for vectors? And Switch SOP between them with a pointattribsize() expression function?
It seems, that I have to create two wrangles? One wrangle for floats and second wrangle for vectors? And Switch SOP between them with a pointattribsize() expression function?
Technical Discussion » attribute wrangle // autobind by name - float/vector
- ikoon
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Please, I am creating an HDA:
- user can set the name of an Attribute
- HDA calculates a float multiplier and multiplies the value of that Attribute
- the attribute could be float @Alpha or @pscale, @radius, @width...
- the attribute could be vector @Cd
It seems, that attribsize() does not see the autobound attribute.
Please, what would be the preferred (or fastest to cook) way to create such binding?
- user can set the name of an Attribute
- HDA calculates a float multiplier and multiplies the value of that Attribute
- the attribute could be float @Alpha or @pscale, @radius, @width...
- the attribute could be vector @Cd
It seems, that attribsize() does not see the autobound attribute.
Please, what would be the preferred (or fastest to cook) way to create such binding?
Houdini Learning Materials » Tips: how to setup Houdini's docs for comfortable reading.
- ikoon
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I use Chrome custom "Stylish" extension:
code {
font-size: 15px;
background-color: rgba(100, 100, 190, 0.2);
padding: 0.1em;
Houdini Lounge » Vscode Theme Color Matching VEX's?
- ikoon
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Hi @timurproko, thank you very much! I managed to merge it and it works perfectly now.
(edit: I attach my settings.json for anyone who is lost in brackets, as I was
(edit: I attach my settings.json for anyone who is lost in brackets, as I was

Edited by ikoon - April 22, 2024 02:46:54
Houdini Lounge » Vscode Theme Color Matching VEX's?
- ikoon
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Thanks a lot! I just wasn't able to merge your settings with my settings (I always made my file corrupted). I understand that whole file is maybe too much. Would you please paste a bit more, maybe also keep the header and footer, so that I could orient myself better?
Houdini Lounge » Vscode Theme Color Matching VEX's?
- ikoon
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Solaris and Karma » Pivot Mode of the Group in the Stage Manager
- ikoon
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I have read through the forum. I am really looking forward to the updates in next Houdini releases! SideFX for the win, they are working on it

Solaris and Karma » Pivot Mode of the Group in the Stage Manager
- ikoon
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I have a Group of objects in the Stage Manager and I enable the Pivot Mode. However, the Pivot snaps to other position anytime I transform it. What am I doing wrong? I have attached a recording.
I am trying to achieve similar behavior as parented nodes in the /obj context. Is there any other way to transform a hierarchy of objects in LOPs? The Edit LOP is also limited (the Pivot of the Group resets itself on the change of selection).
Also, when transforming multiple objects (and their "Groups") in Solaris, can I achieve similar behavior as the OBJ context "Keep Position When Parenting" and "Child Compensation" toggles?
I am trying to achieve similar behavior as parented nodes in the /obj context. Is there any other way to transform a hierarchy of objects in LOPs? The Edit LOP is also limited (the Pivot of the Group resets itself on the change of selection).
Also, when transforming multiple objects (and their "Groups") in Solaris, can I achieve similar behavior as the OBJ context "Keep Position When Parenting" and "Child Compensation" toggles?
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Set external script editor not working
- ikoon
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I managed to make the hotkey launch an external editor. I have to:
- hover the mouse over the title of the parameter (as in the attached picture)
- also, the text cursor can't be active in that parameter
Did anyone manage to launch an external editor, while the cursor is active in the parameter?
- hover the mouse over the title of the parameter (as in the attached picture)
- also, the text cursor can't be active in that parameter
Did anyone manage to launch an external editor, while the cursor is active in the parameter?
Houdini Lounge » How to set up RSS app to follow a Section of this forum?
- ikoon
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 20 will be unveiled (not released) on October 26
- ikoon
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Thank you SideFX for the great work! I hold a deep respect for the amazing amount and quality of development (and support! <3), which you are able to deliver! I am so much looking forward for the presentations and another mind blowing world of possibilities with H20.
Following on the discussion: Please, what is the development status of MaterialX in Blender? Or status/roadmap of export of USD with MaterialX? When can we expect to be able to import it "flawlesly" into Houdini?
I have found this: []
But I don't have an overview of the situation and possible involved complications.
Following on the discussion: Please, what is the development status of MaterialX in Blender? Or status/roadmap of export of USD with MaterialX? When can we expect to be able to import it "flawlesly" into Houdini?
I have found this: []
But I don't have an overview of the situation and possible involved complications.
Edited by ikoon - Oct. 27, 2023 02:04:24
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 20 Sneak Peek Full Feature List
- ikoon
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Can we expect a new VEX "context", running per Frames (similar to Points) and per Channels (similar to Primitives) in SOPs? I know there is CHOP vex context, but a rewrite would be amazing. I am using "proxy" geometry for such operations (and it is reliable, useful, but cumbersome).
Edited by ikoon - Oct. 24, 2023 05:34:27
Technical Discussion » Setting the current Folder (parm, Python)
- ikoon
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I am curious, why this works for the flipsolver:
But for the pyrosolver it doesn't:
Although the initial folder names are the same (defined by the type properties).
Both solvers are the SOP level HDAs:
But for the pyrosolver it doesn't:
Although the initial folder names are the same (defined by the type properties).
Both solvers are the SOP level HDAs:
Edited by ikoon - July 3, 2023 02:51:45
Technical Discussion » HQueue: Submit job from local folder (not from network)
- ikoon
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I have also noticed in the documentation, that the proper place to set the HQROOT override is not in houdini.env, but here:
C:\HQueueClient\hqnode.ini (under the job_environment section) []
C:\HQueueClient\hqnode.ini (under the job_environment section) []
Edited by ikoon - June 14, 2023 18:36:04
Technical Discussion » HQueue: Submit job from local folder (not from network)
- ikoon
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If I understand it right, there is a way to submit from a local folder (without UNC)
- set the Network Folder Variable Name HQROOT to Windows Mount H:
- save the file in the H:\folder\file.hiplc
- submit the job
- on the server, H: is replaced with $HQROOT
- on the client, have the $HQROOT set in the houdini.env like this:
- so... on the client, HQROOT points at the network drive
Everything seems to work, is it common to have such overrides?
Local access to a drive (without UNC, when developing the file) can be much faster.
- set the Network Folder Variable Name HQROOT to Windows Mount H:
- save the file in the H:\folder\file.hiplc
- submit the job
- on the server, H: is replaced with $HQROOT
- on the client, have the $HQROOT set in the houdini.env like this:
- so... on the client, HQROOT points at the network drive
Everything seems to work, is it common to have such overrides?
Local access to a drive (without UNC, when developing the file) can be much faster.
Technical Discussion » HQueue: Submit job from local folder (not from network)
- ikoon
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Please, can we work directly in the H:\folder\ and have the submitter submit the // path?
The submitter seems to do some automatic "replacement" between these locations:
- file locations, if being placed in the Mount location H: (or //
- environment variable HQROOT
Can it convert on the server (or the client) from H: into // ?
I am on Windows 11.
The submitter seems to do some automatic "replacement" between these locations:
- file locations, if being placed in the Mount location H: (or //
- environment variable HQROOT
Can it convert on the server (or the client) from H: into // ?
I am on Windows 11.
Edited by ikoon - June 14, 2023 19:06:38
Technical Discussion » Syphon out of Houdini (opengl)
- ikoon
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Hello, I am also curious about the NDI output from Houdini. Are there any news in developing/utilizing this interface?
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini rotation to UE4 rotation?
- ikoon
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Thank you very much @dpernuit
I wanted to match the rotation of Houdini camera (exported from Houdini to USD and imported with USD Stage Unreal plugin). I managed to get it working, but I had to shuffle the quaternion different way.
I inverted y coordinate in quaternion instead of w:
hou.Quaternion(x, z, -y, w)
In UE, there should be left handed coordinate system, but rotating around X and Y axes in UE follows the right hand rule. Can someone please shed some light on this?
(btw I also had to pre-rotate the Houdini camera with hou.hmath.buildRotateAboutAxis(world_cam_UP_vector, 90) so that it looks the same direction as UE cam)
I wanted to match the rotation of Houdini camera (exported from Houdini to USD and imported with USD Stage Unreal plugin). I managed to get it working, but I had to shuffle the quaternion different way.
I inverted y coordinate in quaternion instead of w:
hou.Quaternion(x, z, -y, w)
In UE, there should be left handed coordinate system, but rotating around X and Y axes in UE follows the right hand rule. Can someone please shed some light on this?
(btw I also had to pre-rotate the Houdini camera with hou.hmath.buildRotateAboutAxis(world_cam_UP_vector, 90) so that it looks the same direction as UE cam)
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