Mantra:error writting data to image device

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UT_NetPacket::write: No error
UT_NetPacket::write: No such file or directory
mantra: Error writing data to image device

So I am using h10 apprentice hd 10.430 on win xp64 6gb ram .
I recently upgraded to h10 and started having mantra hserver communication errors and my renders would disconnect after a bit—sometimes 200 frames into render sometimes less . So i played with firewalls and ports on router –but still no help. So decided to try running local mode. Finally figured how to configure that and on my license admin it does infact indicate local use and h10 does open and i can do everything with the program but now cannot get mantra to render and get this error message. so any helpful suggestions appreciated. mantra looks like it is trying to render the first frame but the mplay window stays in its small size and does not open larger to show the images .
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Well in meantime tried uninstalling and reinstalling –and now am back in network mode but good news am not having any hserver render communications issues . So I am back where I started but things are rendering good again….
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