Page curl

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Joined: April 2008
Has anyone run across a good tutorial or know of a way to do page curls in Houdini?

I need to create a book, (hard back) that will open and then I can flip through the pages.

Any ideas or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Joined: Aug. 2008
you could use a bend modifier
with some Chops,

not sure how to set the chops, havent got so far.
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Joined: July 2007
hello folks !

this is my first post here and i hope to enjoy being here and learn a lot from you . i'm an apprentice user and i'm trying to make houdini my main 3d app .

now back on topic ; here it is a link which includes an book.otl ( animation too ). []

i found it occasionally while i was searching for learning sources about Houdini from web . it is not in english , but has some cool things in it.

i wondered , why his web is not in ‘ usual houdini links’ list ' :wink: but anyway , hope this helps someone else if not the starter of this thread , silent_soul

congratulations to Ali , the maker of the book DA .

except the things that cannot be seen , nothing is like it seems .
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