Animating Geo Light

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Hello World again.

I have an animated obj using geo light.
How van i animate the geo light that i assigned to the animated obj.
I'd like to synchronize the animated geo light to the motion in chopnet and to the “timeshift” node under the sphere.
I am trying to make the sphere like a light bug effect glowing or blinking with the motion that i set to the sphere.
I'd appreciate it if anyone can help me.
Please review the attached hip file.
Thanks World.


Forum_Example_File.hipnc (365.2 KB)

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why dont copy your chop motion and export it to the light_intensity parameter? that's make your light blink.
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Thank you very much.
I did tried it. But, It doesn't work, not blinking.
Can you upload a sample file for me please?
What node in chop network (motion) should i export to.
There are channels, Node & path parameters in export node.
What parameter should i export to ?
Can you help me further?
Thank you very much\.
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Hi, i've multiply a bit your math in the chop, ‘cause you have a big scaled object in your scene, to let the normalized area light turn on bright….dont know your set up, i’ve deleted your geolight and recreated a new one.

forum_example_blink.hipnc (247.3 KB)

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Thank you very much again.
I will carefully study your file and get back to you tomorrow.
Thank you so much again.

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I am back.
I tried your file just by copying and pasting to my scene file.
I did not get the same effect.
I am trying to make it blink two different colors, instead of one(white in your file) and black. And also, How can i adjust the speed of the changing light (or color). Now, It blinks too fast, not gradually.
Can you help me further.
Thanks million.

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So blink between 2 colors…just animate light color parameter but from yellow to blue raise some green…copy the same light 2times one yellow one blue then drive the intensity to fade from one to one….and to adjust the speed of changing light you have to handle the wave curve in your chop….or set some keyframes in a loop (example: intensity 0 > 1 > 0) then set an infinity cycle on your channel curve…
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Thank you so much again.
In fact, i've tried adjusting in chop already spending a few days.
But, it is extremely hard to control the speed because there are too many different factors (parameters in my chop, such as amplify para and so on )
And on top of that the transition color in between one and another doesn't quite look smooth (too rough or too noisy or a few big dots in the obj image as a shade).
Would you be able to set the adjustment as you mentioned in your example file and can you post it for me .
Thank you so much again in advance.
Look forward to hearing again.

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so…I feel a little embarrassed to post this 2 basic geolight changing color files here…..'cause i'm new to geolight and houdini, so i suppose there are better way to turn a light color, but that's my way to get a result in a fast logic manner

forum_example_blink2light.hipnc (282.3 KB)
forum_example_blinkG2B.hipnc (268.0 KB)

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WOW !!

Thank you very much.
I will carefully study your example and let you know how it goes.
Thank you so much again for your kindness.

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Hi, I am back from out of town today.
I studied your file carefully.
I am quite confused because geo light is assigned to geo 1, not torus.
I wonder why light on torus is animated.
Also, how can i change the two colors to two specific colors ?
Can you help me further.
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yes, the torus is receiving the colour of the changing light (Obj1), that's all…
to modify the colour there are keyframes, scope the channels and turn it as you like.
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Thank you so much for getting back to me.
Can you post another example H file for those color modification?
Actually, I am trying to syncronize the frequency of the changing color (or color animation) to the wave motion in my example file that i posted already.
Could you help me how to drive the color animation based on the wave motion. Thank you very much in advance.
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