Mantra Error -1073741819

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I created a coin in the houdini.assign Mantra Surface Material(with Light & Object Reflection) to it.

I created a Mantra Node (Pixel Samples : 6 6 and image Size 1280 * 720 )

. but when I render the scene , Houdini Render some frames (for example 1 to 10 ) and after frame 10 Mantra Node Stoped with error.

when I take Mantra Node Info by MMB click on it I take below error :

Error : Command Exit Code : -1073741819

Why ? []
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Joined: May 2012
I am also experiencing this error, using Houdini Master Education.

I discovered what was causing my error: animated FBX + sprite POP.

I'm not sure if that's relevant to your project, but when I switched from the animated FBX to a bgeo sequence, that fixed my render error.

I would still like to know what the error code refers to, for future reference.
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Joined: Dec. 2010
really thanks my friend.

I have animated Carve SOP (with very large and long curve) and I attach a Coin to Curve's path.

maybe I have to export animated path on the disk and attach coin to this bgeos !

I used Mantra Surface for coin's material (with Displacement Map & Normal Map)

I used GI and Spot Light for lighting and turn on Irradiance Cache in the mantra node.but I don't know why I take error in some frames !? []
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