Render into Image Network problem

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Hi there,

I'm a new user to Houdini but have a long history with vfx.

I'm trying to do something whereby I bring in an image sequence into an Image Network (called “LightTexture”) I composite this a bit then use it as the texture source of an EnvLight.

When I render this it looks great; my sphere is getting light from the image network I setup.

What I want to do next, and stay within the same Houdini session is bring that render into a new Image Network (called “Composite”)

I use a Render node which seems to allow me to grab/spawn the render out I have setup (and previously have seen and liked)

My problem is that when I hit “redo Render” on that Render node (or just view the node) it renders the sphere without the “LightTexture” and seems to just be a default colour (error colour??) i.e the Render node doesn't bring in the same render as the /out/mantra_ipr viewer shows.

I hope that makes sense. I feel like there's a dependency issues in there somewhere, like, it's rendering the scene into that “Composite” network without evaluating the other image network “LightTexture”

I have read up on the Render node and it supports only .pic so my /out/mantra_ipr has .pic set as it's output format and only otherwise changed the renderer to Physically Based Rendering mode and set the output picture field to “$HIP/images/Render.`$F4`.pic” in case it needed it.

Other notes are that I haven't done a render first, I was hoping to do it all from the “Composite” network and spawn renders on demand rather than rendering the scene, then re-importing the sequence . . . as a pure exercise.

I'm using Houdini FX Apprentice 13.0.509 (is there some limitation as part of Apprentice ??)

Thanks and I hope I was clear with the problem,


Matt Hermans
CG Supervisor

Capture.JPG (167.7 KB)

Matt Hermans
Electric Lens Co.
Sydney, Australia
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Hey Matt - just ran a quick test and looking at the console, you should see an error e.g. ‘mantra: Unable to load texture ’opimg/LightTexture/OUT1''

This is on a full license.
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Hi Marty, thanks for the quick reply.

Sorry if I don't understand you completely -

I have an envLight setup with the image path set to : “opimg/VideoTexture/null1” which I got to work correctly in the render view - looks great.

I couldn't find a console window to see render stats, but maybe you meant that in trying to bring the Render back into an Image Network resulted in an error ? I still don't know why it's not working unless there's an order to the evaluation of the Image Networks ? i.e “VideoTexture” isn't being evaluated while the “Composite” is (as the Image Networks are evaluated in serial??)

I would really have liked to do this in-line : image in, composite, use at texture, render, composite, output.

I'm re-making a music video (over 7000 frames) which was done with Maya + Nuke. If I can save the incredible time in just I/O of so many frames it would be fun and I get to learn Houdini in the mean time . . .

Thanks again,

Matt Hermans
Electric Lens Co.
Sydney, Australia
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Without further testing it may be a bug - it's be worth logging it in the Support menu above - Submit Bugs.

If you need to get cracking on it, your test works in Atomkraft in Nuke.
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Hi again Marty,

thanks for that. i'll explore the bug submission process.

I originally did the music video completely inside of Nuke with an envRelight node which does diffuse and specular look ups from an input normal pass. magic, but I wanted refractions/caustics etc from a Houdini render but it may not be possible.

Thanks again,
Matt Hermans
Electric Lens Co.
Sydney, Australia
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Cool as - you can also recreate the bug with an Environment Light set to ‘Enable Sky Environment Map’ in the tab Light/Sky Environment Map; this option uses a Cop network to create the environment - the same thing you are trying to do

The terminal/ console error is:
mantra: Unable to load texture ‘opobj/envlight1/sky_env_net/sky_env_map’

I've attached the .hip file for you to send in.

PS I'll have to check on caustic but AtomKraft is 3Delight inside and has reflections. The latest version can use a fantastic path tracer

NB Say g'day to Muzza in Comp at AltVfx

Screen Shot 2014-09-03 at 1.39.44 pm.png (164.8 KB)
CopsEnvCops_Bug.hip (130.1 KB)

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Thanks !

are you Marty Blumen ??

We worked together at Fuel VFX : )

Cheers, and thanks for the simple scene too !
Matt Hermans
Electric Lens Co.
Sydney, Australia
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Nice to see you here! Houdini is the rad-az. FuelVfx- good times, good times

rock on!
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as an update :

unfortunately this workflow isn't supported. So i'll have to render out then import again. Somewhat misleading i guess since the Render node is there to do just that; but you can't rely on any other COP evaluations for your render.

Perhaps it's an old node that's waiting to be removed…

thanks again Marty,
Matt Hermans
Electric Lens Co.
Sydney, Australia
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ah bummer - there's a big push from users to have the Composite section of Houdini upgraded. Hopefully this can be included then.
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Hey guys i just stumbled over your post on some research Good to read from yous!!!

Rock on
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