SSS Component - How to use?

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Hi all,
Probably a stupid question - but I'm trying to figure out the VOP networks when it comes to shading and one thing I cannot currently figure out is how the SSS Component VOP is supposed to be used.

I can output the ‘sum’ into Cd of a surface output VOP…is that the correct thing to do? Plus, this only works when using non-PBR renderers. How is thise supposed to be used in that case?
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you want your output from the sss node to go into Ce on a compute lighting vop
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Joined: March 2012
Cool - that makes it function in the PBR. Even though I thought you had to use a BSDF in the PBR.

Are there any resources on the VOP networks when it comes to shading? How to construct shaders from scratch for both PBR and non-PBR renderers. The steps to combine various diffuse, reflection, refraction, etc. components together?
I'm coming from a Lightwave background if that helps at all.
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