Unity Plugin - Generating New Parameters In-Engine

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Hello everyone,

I have a Houdini asset in which a python callback script assigned to a button generates a top level (HDA) parameter at each point on a curve in the geometry (which is a few levels down in the HDA). This works great in Houdini, however, when I import it into Unity, the button does nothing. The folder in which the parameters would be as well as the curve and geometry itself is all there but no parameters appear.

Does anyone know if generation of parameters in Unity is supported? My instinct is telling me no…

navigationGrid.hda (14.2 KB)

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Update: I took out the parameter-creating python code in the hda module. With just the point attribute adjusting Python SOP, I was still getting no geometry when I imported the asset into Unity. I found out that this particular line is breaking my code (in Unity, everything works as it should in Houdini):

p = hou.parm(parmPath).evalAsFloat()

Particularly the evalAsFloat function is what is breaking it. Has anyone had this problem before or does someone know some kind of work around? Smells like a bug to me.

EDIT: eval function only gives me trouble if it is trying to evaluate a parameter from the top level of the HDA. It works fine on nodes within the geometry network. I would still like to know if this was intentional or a bug.
Edited by dmglowka - July 29, 2016 14:29:52
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