Syntax for Writing Shader Operators

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Hi all,

I'm looking for learning resources to help me with writing a new operator type, but I'm also very interested in writing shaders in general.

For writing shaders I've essentially only found an old odforce article from the wayback machine []. It could be out of date as far as I'm aware, but I cannot find anything else.

Anyway, rather than writing a whole shader I'd rather create a new operator, but I can find no resources on this at all. Is this in the documentation somewhere and I've missed it? For example, the $variable notation I've not seen anywhere else except when I cracked open an existing operator, along with essential looking syntax like the $isconnected_variable to determine if a variable is plugged in.

If someone could point me towards some sort of documentation I would be very grateful.
Edited by Anti-Distinctlyminty - Aug. 7, 2016 12:38:48
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