Importing text from a CSV file

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Hi there,

I am curious to know if its possible to input text from a column of a csv file to font sop that changes based on the frame number. Also do I have to save the csv file in a particular format?

Thanks in advance.
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you can use Table Import SOP to import .csv file
which will create point for each row and attribute from specified columns
then you can copy font on it and vary the text based on some attribute you extracted

Umesh Shukla
Also do I have to save the csv file in a particular format
no, .csv is literally just a text file with coma separated values so as long as you adhere to that notation, you don't even have to use .csv extention
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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Is there a way to indicate which row to start reading from? It looks like it will skip the first row if it is string text and start from the second row. I have a file with string text in the first two rows and Table Import doesn't like that, I have to manually remove the second row currently. How do I tell it to start reading from a specific row downwards or a range of rows?
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You could pre-process the file with python. Delete the first row and save it to another csv file.
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