For a few days I have been getting errors when trying to instantiate some Static Meshes inside Unreal.
Assertion failed: InstancingRandomSeed != 0
This error happens on Digital Assets that 100% worked before.
I tried to isolate the defective instance points, but which instance causes the crash is inconsistent. Some instances that triggered the crash reliably before work fine in the next session...
I also tried explicitly setting @unreal_InstancingRandomSeed = 0 but the error persists.
Any idea what causes this and how to fix this?
Any help is greatly appreciated

Houdini Engine: 7.0.0
Unreal: Version: 5.4.3-34507850+++UE5+Release-5.4
The last lines of the Unreal Crash Log:
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:548][321]LogHoudiniEngine: Warning: Creating Static Meshes: Object [0 bgeo_parser1], Geo [3], Part [4 file1_4], unable to retrieve LOD screensizes
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:554][321]LogStaticMesh: Display: Building static mesh object_bgeo_parser_1_0_0_3_4_main_geo (Required Memory Estimate: 0.010968 MB)...
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:555][321]LogStaticMesh: Built static mesh [0.00s] /Game/HoudiniEngine/Temp/object_bgeo_parser_1_0/8505F0F9/object_bgeo_parser_1_0_0_3_4_main_geo.object_bgeo_parser_1_0_0_3_4_main_geo
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:558][321]LogHoudiniEngine: CreateStaticMesh_MeshDescription() executed in 0.020179 seconds.
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:759][321]LogOutputDevice: Warning:
Script Stack (0 frames) :
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:773][321]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: InstancingRandomSeed != 0 [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\InstancedStaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 2250]
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:773][321]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)