Daily build promoted/approved to production build?

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I am just curious:

- yesterday I updated to 20.5.332 and I believe it was a daily build
- today I noticed, that there is a new production build, 20.5.332 (same number)
- I started a Houdini Launcher and it automatically offered an update to 20.5.332

Is it common, that a certain daily build is "promoted" or "approved" to the production build? Are there no differences in those builds?
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I can't answer that question. But thought I would add another question since it's the same topic; might as well keep it under the same thread as it's more a question out of curiosity than an issue.

I'm wondering how SideFX defines 'new releases'i.e. 19.0, 19.5, 20.0, 20.5 etc. other than just an announcement.
I'm guessing they define it by the first decimal number, i.e. a 0.00 or 0.50 represent releases.

It must be obvious I don't follow the Changelog/Jouranl often or close enough, but I thought between releases daily builds and production builds was only for 'bug' fixes or 'refinements' of existing features.

However, on the 12th of August or so I saw the introduction of a whole new node in Copernicus - Wipe.(in a daily build)

Thought things like a new node would only be introduced in releases.

Seeing this while I was working on a project in where I was deciding on organizing some of my work based on releases, got me thinking what really defines a 'release'.
Edited by BabaJ - Aug. 21, 2024 08:04:19
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However, on the 12th of August or so I saw the introduction of a whole new node in Copernicus - Wipe.(in a daily build)

Thought things like a new node would only be introduced in releases.
It isn't the first time they've done this. It's not a very common occurrence, but I can remember it happening multiple times in the past (although I'll confess to not remembering the exact features).

Sometimes, if they consider a feature to be important enough, they even backport it to a previous version.
Edited by eikonoklastes - Aug. 21, 2024 08:18:48
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I actually do remember one now - it was support for per-instance primvars in Karma XPU (somewhere in 19.5), which was a pretty massive feature to add, and they made zero mention of it apart from putting it in the changelog.
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I am just curious:

- yesterday I updated to 20.5.332 and I believe it was a daily build
- today I noticed, that there is a new production build, 20.5.332 (same number)
So it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me after all.

Is it common, that a certain daily build is "promoted" or "approved" to the production build? Are there no differences in those builds?
I only use production builds unless I run into a bug, so I don't follow the daily to production build conversion process very closely. Probably either it's normal, or the build was briefly uploaded as daily instead of the intended production type.

However, on the 12th of August or so I saw the introduction of a whole new node in Copernicus - Wipe.(in a daily build)

Thought things like a new node would only be introduced in releases.
I like this kind of surprises.
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I like this kind of surprises.

Yes, better to get the good surprise on a daily or production build rather than wait for a 'release'.
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Is it common, that a certain daily build is "promoted" or "approved" to the production build? Are there no differences in those builds?

This happens roughly on a monthly basis for the current major release. There are no differences in the builds. What happens is that QA will pick a daily build to be promoted as the "production" build with additional testing. If there are issues found, then a newer daily build which has the fixes will get tested for production worthiness (and so on if more showstopper issues are discovered, etc). The idea is to give some peace of mind for those looking to update to a newer build of Houdini in order to get bug fixes. There are no differences other than how the website advertises the particular daily build.
Edited by edward - Aug. 23, 2024 21:00:24
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Yes, you are right.
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