Hi every body
This video reveals all my breakthroughs in these years and I have endeavored to gather my more gripping works in one video to assert my capabilities, so that I hope be can grasp golden opportunities in the future .

For generating these pictures, I utilized plentiful main softwares like 3DsMax , Houdini , Mudbox , After effects , Premiere , Modo , photoshop and speed tree . Also I had to use abundant plug-ins for a couple of effects .FumeFX ,VRay , Phoenix ,Mocha and other such small softwares are in this group .

I'm firm believer that , the most significant part of utilizing these such tools for creating animations , effects and others related to ideas and innovations in the occupation .

Connecting amongst these softwares is another challenge for accomplishing more efficient results .

Sincerely yours

Iran, Islamic Republic of

Hello dears I am a tiny 3D generalist in this gigantic graphic galaxy with a rudimentary knowledge about the gripping world . My main software is 3DsMax but I am firm believer that , this software had not efficient influences in these years so it is better I alter my main software as soon as possible . For this reason I took a controversial decision to perform this and selected Houdini . I express the idea that , the best choice for generating all kind of virtual effects in divers a wide range of field like Game , advertisement , TV and movies is Houdini . In contrast , if I wand honestly speaking ,I should say , it is absolutely different compared with 3DsMax , because Houdini has contemporary core and profit with varied a wide variety of interior coding languages and lead to diversity and of course predicaments .These such hardships are appealing for most artists in this field and it is naturally so I also enjoy these issues . faithfully yours


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