Detailed Shots description :

Battle Ship ( inspired by star wars)
Responsible for all aspect, except modeling.
Thank to Malte Ullrich for his Models.
His Link:
(Procedural debris, pop blaster/sparks, Pyro, RBD).

A pop simulation for each ship for Blasters and Sparks.
- A pop simulation for each ship to instance debris on each point.
- A pyro simulation for each explosion.
- An RBD simulation of deformed/ripped metal for the hole in the Venator ship's hull.

Water Vortex:
Responsible for terrain, water and Mist.
(Procedural Rock, Flip, Whitewater, Volume Mist, Shading, Render, Comp).
- Multiple FLIP Clusters.
- Multiple WW Clusters.
- Meshing blend with ocean spectrum.
- Pyro Mist emitted from WW Pts on vortex.

Water River:
Responsible for all aspects.

Volcano Smoke:
Responsible for all aspects except plate shot.
(Pyro Smoke, Shading, Lighting, Render).
Thanks to Lucy Donnot for her Comp.
Her link:


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