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このオペレータは、画像に霧、もや、熱波などのいろいろな大気効果を加えます。 フォグ(霧)の深度を含んだ平面が必要です。通常はデプス(Pz)またはポイント平面(P)です。
Normal Fog - 距離が大きくなるにつれ、ピクセルの色がフォグの色に変わります。
Additive Fog - フォグの色がピクセルの色に追加されます。より“曇った”ように見えます。
Haze - 距離が大きくなるにつれ、ピクセルの彩度が減少するため、遠くのピクセルがよりグレーに見えます。
Heat Waves - ゆらめく熱波の効果を遠くのピクセルに追加します。
Overloading VEX Parameters ¶
This operator is implemented in VEX, which supports parameter overloading. If the first input has a plane which matches an operation parameter’s channel name, the input plane will be used as the parameter’s value, effectively overriding it. The overloaded parameter is then evaluated from the plane on a per-pixel basis.
eg. If the input COP has the following planes:
C{r,g,b} A fogdens
and it is fed into a VEX Fog COP, the fog density will be determined at each pixel by the fogdens plane, since the Fog Density parameter’s channel name matches the 'fogdens' channel name.
Scoping ¶
This operation may be restricted to certain planes, or components of planes. In addition, the operation may be applied to a subset of frames within the sequence. An image must have both its frame and plane scoped to be modified.
Images that are not modified are passed through, which does not take any memory or processing time.
Masking ¶
This operation may be masked, which restricts the operation to an area of the image. The mask may be inverted, brightened or dimmed.
The mask input is on the side of the node. The label on the connector indicates the plane being used as a mask.
The mask input can also be scaled to fit the output image’s resolution, if they differ. If this node is changing constantly, and the mask is not, it is somewhat faster to put a Scale COP down to do the resize for the mask image. Otherwise, the scale will occur every time this node cooks.
パラメータ ¶
Fog ¶
Fog Type
Normal Fog
Additive Fog
Heat Waves
Fog Density
Fog Color
Distance Offset
Fog Direction
Smooth Edges
このオプションを有効にすると、エッジ上のフォグにはっきりしたデプスの変化をブレンドしようとします。 ピクセル毎に1つのデプス値のみが保存され、通常、それらはブレンドされないため、サンプリングにより、 フォグがかかってみえる部分があるエッジや、まったくフォグがかかっていない部分があるエッジになります。 このオプションはエッジを検出して、エッジの画像の乱れを修正します。
Smooth Edge Threshold
エッジの変化がこの閾値より大きい場合、エッジは現在のエッジピクセルから隣接ピクセルまでブレンドされます。 すべての隣接ピクセルが現在のピクセルの距離内にある場合は、エッジと見なされず、スムージングは適用されません。
Heat (Heat Wavesのみに適用可能): ¶
Horizontal Scale
Vertical Scale
Time Scale
Noise Offset
Layer ¶
レイヤーフォグは、XYZのいずれかの方向で、クリッピング平面の片側へフォグを制限します。 フォールオフ領域を適用すると、あまり極端に変化が起こらないように設定することができます。
設定した領域に表れるフォグを使用して、レイヤーフォグを有効にします。 もっとも一般的なレイヤーフォグのタイプは、'Y Layered Below'(地面を這うフォグの場合)と'Y Layered Above'(雲の場合)です。
Layer Edge
フォグがゼロへ減衰しはじめる箇所。 ayeredが'Y Layered Below'に設定されている場合、レイヤーエッジ値よりも低いY値を持つすべての値にフォグがかかります。
Layer Falloff
フォールオフ(減衰)領域のサイズで、Layer Edgeに到達するとフォグが少しずつ減少するようになります。
Falloff Function
Noise ¶
Use Fog Noise
Noise Amplitude
Noise Frequency
3つの各軸でノイズが変化する速度です。 値が小さいと非常に滑らかで、少しずつ変化するノイズになり、値が大きいと停滞したノイズになります。
Noise Offset
Turbulence(乱流)のレベル毎に、これはノイズ高調波を乗算します。このパラメータは、生成されたノイズに存在する高周波ノイズの量を制御します。 したがって、Turbulenceが3でRoughnessが0.5の場合、低周波ノイズは1で乗算され、次に高い周波数は0.5で、一番高い周波数(レベル2)は0.25で乗算されます。
Noise Step
最終ポイントまでの経路でノイズがサンプリングされる回数です。 かなり離れたポイント(>100)がある場合、このパラメータを上げることを考慮してください。 考慮しなかった場合、ノイズのサンプリング量が非常に大きくなり、処理速度が遅くなります。
Mask ¶
A mask can be chosen to limit the effect of the operator to areas defined by the mask. The mask can be taken from the mask input (side input) or from the first input itself.
Effect Amount
If no mask is present, this blends the output with the input by a constant amount (0 = all input, 1 = all output).
If a mask is present, this amount multiplies the mask.
Operation Mask
Selects the mask plane to use as a mask from the mask input. The mask can be selected from:
A mask can be a component of a plane or an entire plane. If a vector plane is supplied as a mask, its components are multiplied by the images' components.
Scalar Mask ('A', 'C.r')
C.r = I.r * M C.g = I.g * M C.b = I.b * M
Vector Mask ('C')
C.r = I.r * M.r C.g = I.g * M.g C.b = I.b * M.b
First Input
Useful for masking the operation to the image’s own alpha plane.
Mask Input
Selects the mask from the side mask input.
Turns off masking, without requiring disconnection of the mask input (useful for temporarily disabling the mask).
Resize Mask to Fit Image
If the mask image is a different resolution than the output image, turning on this parameter will scale the mask to the output image’s resolution.
If this node is changing constantly, and the mask is not, it is somewhat faster to put a Scale COP down to do the resize for the mask image. Otherwise, the scale will occur every time this node cooks.
Invert Mask
Inverts the mask so that all fully 'masked' portions become unmasked. This saves you from inserting an Invert COP after the node with the mask.
Scope ¶
Plane Scope
Specifies the scope for both the RGB components of Color, Alpha, and other planes. The (C)RGBA mask only affects Color components and Alpha. 'C' will toggle all the RGB components.
For planes other than Color and Alpha, the plane name (plus component, if applicable) should be specified in the string field. The pulldown menu can be used to select planes or components present in this node.
A plane is specified by its name. A component is specified by both its plane and component name. The '*' wildcard may be used to scope all extra planes. Any number of planes or components can be specified, separated by spaces.
P N.x N.y P N Pz
Frame Scope ¶
Frame Scope
Allows scoping of specific frames in the frame range. This is in addition to the plane scope (so a plane at a certain frame must be both plane scoped and frame scoped to be modified).
All Frames
All frames are scoped.
Inside Range
All frames inside a subrange are scoped.
Outside Range
All frames outside a subrange are scoped.
Even Frames
Even numbered frames are scoped.
Odd Frames
Odd numbered frames are scoped.
Specific Frames
A user-defined list of frames are scoped.
Frame Range
For Inside/Outside range, this parameter specifies the subrange of the sequence to scope (or unscope). This can be edited in Timeline viewer mode (⌃ Ctrl + 2 in viewer).
Frame Dropoff
For Inside/Outside Range, this parameter specifies certain number of frames before and after to slowly ramp up to scoped. The operation will be blended with its input to 'ease in' or 'ease out' the scoping effect over a number of frames. This can be edited in Timeline viewer mode (⌃ Ctrl + 2 in viewer).
Non-scoped Effect
For unscoped frames, this sets the blend factor between the input and modified images. Normally this is zero (use the input image). By setting this to a non-zero value, you can make unscoped frames be 'slightly' unscoped. The value can vary between 0 (unscoped) and 1 (scoped).
Frame List
The frame list for 'Specific Frames'. Frame numbers should be separated by spaces.
Automatically Adjust for Length Changes
If the sequence range changes, enabling this parameter will adjust the subrange and frame dropoff lengths to fit the new range.
ローカル変数 ¶
Sequence length
Start of sequence
End of sequence
Input sequence length
Sequence frame rate
Number of planes in sequence
Width and height of image
Image index (0 at start frame)
Image time (0 at start frame)
Current plane array index
Current plane index
Num of channels in current plane
Composite Project X resolution
Composite Project Y resolution
Composite Project pixel aspect ratio
Composite Project raster depth
Composite Project black point
Composite Project white point
Examples ¶
See also |