Viewport Tumble Woes?

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Hi All,

Is there anyway to get another style of viewport tumbling in place for 2016?

Yes, I have tried all the different version available for tumbling under preferences and they all s@#ck. Oops ops:

Come on, 80's style rotation, how about 21st century style?

I find that I am constantly struggling with the viewport orientation using a mouse. It is as if the world origin is always projected 100 meters in to the scene. So I have to rotate, drag, rotate, drag and then my orientation gets all tilted and there is no convenient way to reset that. If I was looking through a camera I can manually reset rotations by selecting the node, activating the Transform TAB.

All other 3D programs are better at this, Blender, Cinema4D, 3DSMax etc. Consider the 3D max style. When your mouse is in the center of the viewport you are rotating, then along the outer edge you tumble.

Is there any way to configure Houdini for better viewport manipulation?

Is there some secret world origin parameter that may have gotten ‘jacked’ somewhere along the line and I am suffering needlessly? I have uninstalled and re-installed Houdini many times across several versions during 2015.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Space+G to center the selected geometry
Space+Z to set thumble pivot to the geometry under cursor.

I prefer 80's euler thumbling as it's closest to the one in XSI/Maya and I'm using tablet.

Actually I think 3dsmax has the worst 3d navigation between common 3d application, followed by Zbrush and Blender on the third place for the bad navigation schemes.

In 3D smax I hate how each mode is detached from others. It looks like they made 2d cad application then add another 1 dimension to it as plugin without connecting it together in ergonomic way. Navigation gizmo obscuring the view, shift, alt, ctrl mortal kombat combination and switches to do basic navigation etc…

But I can imagine it's made that way as it's targeted to and used a lot by archviz peoples that are switching between revit and autocad.

Zbrush - it has very own and specific way of navigation so it's hard to switch quickly between this and other apps until you get your brainswitch trained well.

Blender - it's world for itself… It's trying hard to stay away of the common workflows so it's hard to switch between this and other apps in similar sense as Zbrush.
But it has some nice touches in navigation like Zbrush (like quick ortho plane snapping from perspective view).
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Thanks for the SPACE-Z tip, I did not know about that one.
But it still does not solve my problem.

While Houdini's tumble system does seem to work Ok when focused on the world origin,
it has significant problems when you try to rotate around an object that is not at world origin.

Consider my city block problem.
The object I need to rotate around is not at world origin and no matter what
combination of keys or mouse strokes I use the view is always out of whack.

There is no way to rotate around the building which is the simplest of all the viewport commands.

Untitled-2.jpg (262.8 KB)
untitled-1.jpg (401.9 KB)

Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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In ‘Single View’, you can shift+space+z to set a pivot on any object anywhere in the viewport, the others views, i.e. Four Views, Two Views has an error ' Cannot Set Pivot, No geometry under cursor. OsX/H15.0.340. Perhaps you want a viewport pivot that follows an object no matter where it is in the viewport though.

Dops is different though, it cannot frame a selected Dop object, i.e. space+f, but space+z, and space+shift+z works.
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I'm having the same problem. If I center an object, space-f, I can orbit around the object's center as long as I start by clicking somewhere other than the object. If I start anywhere on the object then orbit, the orbit center is moved to where I first touched and everything is all whacky. I hate this! I'm constantly having to recenter my geo to see what I'm doing. I've tried just about every combination of preferences for viewport but nothing works. It makes it so much harder to work this way.
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If I start anywhere on the object then orbit, the orbit center is moved to where I first touched and everything is all whacky.
Edit > Preferences > 3D Viewports > View State Operation Defaults > Keep Pivot on Tumble. The 3 buttons at the top of the View state toolbar should also let you change the behaviour temporarily. You'll need to recentre once after changing the setting.

It makes it so much harder to work this way.
I must admit that I'm not a huge fan of it either, but apparently many people prefer it, for viewing a single point on a surface from many angles.
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when i find my viewport just won't tumble ‘right’…i do CTRL+LMB and adjust my horizon to horizontal…then it should tumble correctly after that.
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Hey guys , is it possible to center the view on selected object(s) without changing the camera orientation?
Houdini gamboler
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'F' key (frame selected)
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Thanks. But sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't why?
Houdini gamboler
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I'm sure you know it, but just in case: be sure to have your mouse pointer on the viewport in order to have the shortcut affect the viewport.
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Well nope. I'm just doing this now:
I select an object directly in the viewport, this object is close to the right side of the viewport, then I press ‘F’, then the object does not get centered and zoomed in.
Houdini gamboler
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HEY, it's not F, it's SPACE+F, right??? I just tried it and it works.
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Holding space temporarily enters the View state (interactive camera control). I'm guessing most assume you would never not be in the view state, or know how to exit a non-view state if you were. So it's just ‘F’, assuming you are entering commands to the view state.

You can also hit ‘escape’ or tap spacebar to enter view state. Escape always goes to the view state, whereas space toggles between view and the previous state.
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I have constant Roll or some sort of gimbal problem, think its the same issue as op. All these solutions dont work or are temprorary for me.

Deleting the Scene view tab and recreating another one works better.

Annoying problem, and seems to pop up a lot lately on Houdini 17.5.360
Edited by matt_barker - 2019年10月1日 01:50:07
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I have constant Roll or some sort of gimbal problem
If you are using Redshift, check out this post [] on their forum.
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I have constant Roll or some sort of gimbal problem
If you are using Redshift, check out this post [] on their forum.
Thanks, this was indeed Redshift related in my case.
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