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Houdini Lounge » Thoughts on mantra
- SreckoM
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Changed on post above image with more contrast. Trick is in area ligts. They help a lot with noise, so add them as bounce lights, at strategic locations. ALso you can make higher GI intensity, 3-4.
Edited by SreckoM - 2017年10月20日 10:13:06
Houdini Lounge » Thoughts on mantra
- SreckoM
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For interiors, just use PBR, Area lights to fill (unchecked Normalized area and with Physical falloff). Help path trace with photons using GI Light. I usually do not go more than 1 mil photons and sometimes change Filter to 5-10, that is all I change from default settings. Use Environment light with HDR and if you have windows opening use Portals. It is, of course slower than Corona, but not significantly. Corona has better GI so it gives more pleasant results, but that is because it is optimized for arch vis work, it can not do half of the stuff Mantra can.
This image was rendered in 12 min, with default sampling setting and PixelSample at 4x4, Diffuse limit 3 and Color limit 5. On laptop with i7 4860HQ. Photon count was just 10000.
This image was rendered in 12 min, with default sampling setting and PixelSample at 4x4, Diffuse limit 3 and Color limit 5. On laptop with i7 4860HQ. Photon count was just 10000.
Edited by SreckoM - 2017年10月20日 11:13:31
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 16.5 must be imminent...
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » macOS High Sierra
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 16, booleans and polybevel
- SreckoM
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Wow that is amazing, seems even better than MODO mesh fusion! There are some accuracy issues where MeshFusion is doing better job though. Great work.
Edited by SreckoM - 2017年4月14日 07:34:44
Houdini Lounge » Still no option to archive an Houdini project with all dependancies referenced files?
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Functional Differences Between Qt4 & 5 versions
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Functional Differences Between Qt4 & 5 versions
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Functional Differences Between Qt4 & 5 versions
- SreckoM
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Thanks for answer, I figured out it is issue with 378 Nvidia drivers. What drivers you use?
Houdini Lounge » Functional Differences Between Qt4 & 5 versions
- SreckoM
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Technical Discussion » QT4 vs QT5
- SreckoM
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I am using KDE Neon, which is based on Ubuntu 16.04 and it is using latest QT but I am not able to start Houdini, only QT4 version. Other QT5 apps I am using are working just fine. Anyone experiencing this?
Houdini Lounge » Licensing Apprentice on USB Drive
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 16
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 16
- SreckoM
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Technical Discussion » Houdini Apprentice to Indie Upgrade
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 16
- SreckoM
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Work in Progress » Blender x Houdini x Renderman Main Character of Story Animation
- SreckoM
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Houdini Lounge » H&M post
- SreckoM
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » OpenGL ROP control display of nulls
- SreckoM
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » OpenGL ROP control display of nulls
- SreckoM
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Is it possible to turn off Nulls when doing OpenGL ROP render? I am doing some previz and have bunch of nulls that I would like to turn off, but not one by one … Even tohugh I made them not visible in viewport OpenGL renders them anyway.
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