OSM Importer SOP
OSM Importer を使用すると、Open Street Map data データをインポートできます。 これは地球上ほとんどのオープンデータベースです。
アイディアは、既存都市の表現の生成、または新しい都市の出発点として実データを使用することです。 建物の生成を支援するためのツールが今後紹介する予定ですが、最初のステップは元のフットプリント形状の構築またはインポートです。
このツールは Github リポジトリからダウンロードできます。
Houdini 16.5 更新点
OSM ツールでアトリビュートの処理を改良しました。
おそらく最初にやろうとすることは、建物の形を突き出すことですが、データが生成に細かい問題があります。 このビデオではそれを整理して、生成されたデータをランダムシードとして使用する方法を紹介します。
Doudini 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
This is some great stuff Luiz! We have been on the look for some good OSM importer for Houdini and ended up using blender to get the Data. This looks really good! Cant wait to test it.
lkruel 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
Glad you like it! Please report back after you have tested. I would love some feedback
Doudini 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
I tested it with some Data we had laying around from the last project and so far it just works great! I like how all attributes get imported which makes it very easy to separate all the geo. Also the import was very quick and fast for a 25mb data. I will throw some bigger files at it and see that we can use it in production soon. :) Great Work!
lkruel 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
Awesome! Glad you noticed those 2 things in particular (speed and completeness of the data) that's something that was pretty deliberate.
I've gotten up to just over a gig with my OSMs. It was a large map of Tokyo, I think it took maybe around 10 minutes to load and it was something like 20 million points. It's designed to stream in the XML data so it shouldn't blow out of memory. Let me know what is your rough use case size once you get to that point.
yiannisr 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
In apprentice there is not osm
Andr1 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
omg... thanks! Going to try it soon
Andr1 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
Hello Luiz,
have you ever played with the Umap implementation?
It works like google mymap (but it's better) and allows you to create custom shapes, lines, and markers over the map.
It would be super useful to be able to import them in Houdini as well!
Please have a look here: https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/
Rates 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
Hi I cant seem to get this to work on Linux, the python node fails with:
File"", line 203, in
File"", line 129, in build
AttributeError:'Geometry'object has no attribute 'createPoints'
works fine on osx
Rates 7 年, 6 ヶ月 前 |
got it working, it was the python api
moving from h to 16.0.633 fixed it.
kevinthebright 7 年, 5 ヶ月 前 |
Might be missing it but it doesn't show up on GitHub now, under the linked page or sidefx main page. Something change?
lkruel 7 年, 5 ヶ月 前 |
hey kevinthebright, you can get the HDA in
What I've also done is started to make releases of the github so you can download a single HDA that has all of the tools that we generated. You can find that here
kevinthebright 7 年, 5 ヶ月 前 |
Great, thanks Luis
JohnDraisey 7 年, 4 ヶ月 前 |
This is brilliant! I got it to work on a small city section, and it's giving me a good starting point for procedural generation of the buildings in that section.
JohnDraisey 7 年, 4 ヶ月 前 |
Quick question, how do you open a ".map" file? I took your advice and clicked on the "Overpass API" link for a large region of OpenStreetMap.
mapoga 7 年, 3 ヶ月 前 |
This is amazing! Great work. Its super fast just what i needed.
After having played with it a little I was looking into the possibility to import and merge multiple maps from separate files. And found it difficult to do with how the node works right now.
I fiddled around and played with the code a bit so that it wouldn't be re-centered but stayed at its Mercator projection position.
That worked but i had a small offset for each map generated from the bounding box of the captured file having less precision than the nodes themselves.
Removing the involvement of the bbox altogether fixed my issue.
If this node ends up being part of the full version of Houdini I think it would be nice to have that option.
Thank you Luiz!
lkruel 7 年, 3 ヶ月 前 |
Oh nice! Yeah I could see that being useful.
Thanks for the tip
CHEESECAKE 7 年, 3 ヶ月 前 |
That plugin is pretty cool!
In order to mold the streets I tried to join all the single Bezier Curves of one street into one NURBS curve, so I can arrange lines along it and use Sweep afterwards.
But somehow it seems impossible to join the lines into a single NURBS curve. Any ideas how I could do it?
Thanks you!
lkruel 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
try using the PolyPath node, usually does a good job for me
tamte 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
pretty useful, one note
wouldn't osm_* be better attribute prefix choice than hou_*?
lkruel 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
Yeah, you're right again. I'll update the tools to match this
Igor Batrakov 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
Hey, Luiz!
I've spent some time to figure out why "rand" function wasn't working. Cause hou_id is in string format! So you need firstly to conert it and code is looking like this:
Just wanted to make you know.
lkruel 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
Yeah, currently all of the attributes are string attributes. I thought it might be confusing to have some as int and some as string. But I supposed some of the most commonly used should be handled. I ran into some the same issues messing around with height, having to convert it to to a float so I can extrude based on it. Could be simpler
Danil Shaposhnikov 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
Great tool! Very useful. I`ve combine that with https://terrain.party/ world height map. Now I have a model of my hometown with all the landscape around :)
mahialise 6 年, 8 ヶ月 前 |
How did you attach the two together so that the buildings are deformed to the underlying geometry?
RodTebisx 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
very nice!! but, how to convert string height attributes to float to use on extrude??
i tried use attribute wrangle, but not figured how to use atof() to call @height values... any ideas?
thanks Luiz :)
lkruel 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
Check out the OSM Buildings node, it does that conversion in there.
RodTebisx 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
in the Python code? hmm...
i'm searching for stuff like " prim.setAttriValue("heigth"... " or similar, but can't found.
RodTebisx 6 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
now i got it! with atof() thanks!
mahialise 6 年, 8 ヶ月 前 |
Is there a way to attach the buildings to a heightfield object so it looks like they're 'built' into the landscape?
DCornibert 6 年, 8 ヶ月 前 |
Total newbie question however I am Having trouble getting the attributes to view using the blast node on the *.OSM file. The variables do not look like your example. have I done something wrong?
Jan Adamus 6 年, 5 ヶ月 前 |
Thank you very much for this really helpfull tool!
I would like to use it in field of real world architecture. Sorry for my noob question, how can I make polyextrude that every building will have its own "height" parametr from OSM(not random)? Thank you very much.
josianturpin 6 年, 3 ヶ月 前 |
i'm using houdini apprentice and working in GIS. So, after manually install gamedev tools, i've this error :"canno't fond the tools script'
szinubuntu 4 年, 8 ヶ月 前 |
Hi did you found the solution/cause? I am having the same issue, Blast node doesn't do anything.
3W 6 年, 3 ヶ月 前 |
I'm using Houdini 17.0+
There is no attribute of "Hou_ID".
Do I missing something.
3W 6 年, 3 ヶ月 前 |
just "latitude","longitude"and points
Alec Bartsch 6 年 前 |
Hi Luiz,
I'm trying to work through this Entagma tutorial:
but I'm stuck because I'm not getting latitude and longitude coming in as point attributes, as seen in the tutorial. I'm using Houdini 16.5.663 and GameDev toolset 1.98. What am I missing?
NodemadNomad 5 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
Thank you Luiz for the OSM nodes.
There is a problem of normals after using SOP osm importer with SOP osm buildings, here is a screenprint that shows the normal problem in Houdini:
And here is one that shows it in an external renderer:
It would be great if you could have a look at the normals in the SOP osm buildings, I can send you the hip file. Thank you
lkruel 5 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
Can you send this as a bug to support@sidefx.com?
NodemadNomad 5 年, 11 ヶ月 前 |
I've done it. Thanks.
but there is now something else with Houdini 17.5, there is new problem: the sop OSM filter doesn't clean the white lines, it was great in Houdini 17.
These OSM nodes are amazing, it would be great if they get fixed. Thank you
Mohit Pundir 4 年, 10 ヶ月 前 |
just watched the first video of importing osm data and filtering through it.. my question is can be create a digital asset of the importer and use it though Houdini Engine for Unity?
petr.chel 3 年, 3 ヶ月 前 |
how so city put on terrain? (each building on ground)
open 7 ヶ月, 1 週間 前 |
Thank you Luiz for the OSM nodes.
I'm using Houdini 20.0+,just cannot blast by expression @building!=0\@highway!=0 and so on
Do I missing something?
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