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Merging objects at obj level? Jan. 20, 2012, 2:40 a.m.

ha! exactly what i needed. thank you so much!

Merging objects at obj level? Jan. 19, 2012, 1:38 a.m.

hi all, im a bit of a newbie to houdini so please bear with meh.

I have imported an fbx file from maya containing a building made up of multiple meshes, and couple cameras.

Everything imported nicely, but now i want to project a texture on to this, and instead of going into every single geometry sop and assigning uvTexture node, id like to combine all of these geometry sops which are at the object level.

So basically a way to call each of these geomety sops and merging them together, and then attaching a uvTexture node, instead of going into each geometry sop and attaching uvTexture node.

sorry if the question is a b it convoluted. ops: