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Flip Fluid Sims Dec. 15, 2015, 5:40 p.m.

Hi there,

Im trying to learn how to work on fluid sims on Houdini 15. I have a project and everything seems to be working fine. The thing is that I wanted to save time and resources from my computer saving the sim to disk, but I find that one way it would be the output from the AutoDopNetwork, and another one saving the compressed cache of my fluids.

Can anyone explain me wahts the difference and how are they applied?

I guess I would need the compressed cache from the fluid to generate after whitewater, but I dont know then what use would have the sim files from the AutoDopNetwork.

Thank you very much!

.sim files Dec. 15, 2015, 4:15 p.m.


That should be why! jejeje

Thanks a lot! Ill be waiting for the next daily build!!

Thank you again for the support!!!

.sim files Dec. 15, 2015, 11:42 a.m.

Hi there,

Yeah I saved the hipnc file and I created a project for this also. When I click on the Save to Disk in Background, if I hadnt saved the file it pops out a window telling me that I must save the file first, I save the file, hit again and it appears another window, the render scheduler pane I guess, but the job appears as “done”, and no files are written. I also review the path for the files to be written, and it is correct, I mean the $HIP is created and all the folders specified in the path of the Output node; by the way, I dont know what the expression $HIPNAME.`opname(“..”)`.$SF.sim means, but if I middle click on the output file parameter, thae path that appears it is valid.

Is allowed to write sim files this way in Apprentice?

Thanks a lot