Andreas Oehmig

Andreas Oehmig

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Recent Forum Posts

Make very high resolution textures Oct. 31, 2015, 10:10 a.m.

Thanks, good explanation!

Make very high resolution textures Oct. 31, 2015, 7:22 a.m.


How do people make this kind of super high resolution textures like 8k or 16k.
The maximum resolution of very expensive cameras is far away from this.
So, i kind of wonder how they can make this…
Maybe a stupid question but I did Google on this and couldnt find a answer..

Vex Questions Sept. 29, 2015, 2:47 p.m.


The last coding I did was with C64 a long time ago and I was never good in math or this kind of things..
My questions are probably kind of stupid but I want to learn Vex.

The @ like here “ int n = neighbourcount(0, @ptnum);

What is the meaning of this @ ?

When is use this like this..
What will happen if I use a ” 0 " as the first value in the brackets?
Or, why is there a zero… Not getting why there is a zero in this code..
I would expect something like 23723..
