Kurt Williams


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VFX Artist


United States

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64bit Houdini for Windows users? Feb. 14, 2007, 10:34 a.m.

I'm hoping for a 64-bit version with a non-linux OS in the relatively near future.

It's getting to the point where you can put together a relatively cheap 4 core workstation with 4-8GB of ram. The hardware is definately starting to outpace software support for it, especially on a 32-bit OS.

As Microsoft shoves vista down the throat of the windows userbase, I'm guessing we'll start seeing 64bit versions of many mainstream graphics applications, as well as x86 Mac with the next OSX release.

It is a damn pain in the ass to be dual booting and swaping workstations in a large production environment. You can't get mudbox for linux, this other application doesn't have 64 bit support, and this other application has 64 bit support but only under linux.

Of course when I bring this up I always get the response that I could install linux and run all the Windows stuff using virtual machines :roll: After seeing the performance of photoshop under VMware.. no thanks.

In the meantime I guess you can run 32bit Houdini on XP64 using WoW, which in theory will give you up to 4GB memory space per 32bit thread. In theory. I'm not sure if windows 2GB/3GB limitations still apply with WoW layer in xp64.

L-Systems, polywire and the $LAGE Variable Feb. 14, 2007, 10:01 a.m.

Doh. 1-$LAGE will work fine, I have to clamp the resulting value so it never goes past a very small positive value. Doh. ops:

L-Systems, polywire and the $LAGE Variable Feb. 13, 2007, 9:06 p.m.

I'm working with some L-systems and I have a question.

If I wire up a polywire SOP to a l-system and wish to have my l-system get progressively smaller in width, what is the best way to do this?

I hit upon the idea of mapping the $LAGE value to width but that gives me the reverse of what I want, with wide tips and narrow trunks.

What is the best way for me to invert the results of $LAGE? I'm experting with normalizing $LAGE and inverting that but to no avail. Am I missing something obvious?