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Student Work - 'Short Lived' Nov. 4, 2005, 1:19 a.m.


That was great! (I see your a Valiant fan, also)

What camera did you use for the filming? The lighting was perfect with the composite.


Guide ? Oct. 29, 2005, 1:57 a.m.


Gnomon has launched their first Houdini video training DVD: Houdini 101 []

I ordered a copy last week. I'll let you know how good it is.


Please let uns know if it's worth the money.

Will Gnomon release other Houdini videos?

Received my Gnomon video a couple of days ago & finished watching it tonight. The first few chapters, which cover the U.I. were very good & in depth. Then the video goes haphazzardly into modeling/shading/workflow/etc.

Overall, a nice introduction into Houdini. The author (Garman Heringstad) is hard to follow sometimes, & his method of teaching could be a bit more structured. A solid modeling DVD to follow this up would be perfect.


Motion Builder Pro 7 Oct. 26, 2005, 6:03 p.m.

…and here's the export list:

Exporting motion files is a method of transferring data from MotionBuilder to a variety of different motion file formats. MotionBuilder lets you export the following motion data, scene, and skeleton file formats:
Import Format

3D Studio Scene (*.3ds)

3ds max®file format is a scene format that opens its own custom dialog boxes. See Exporting Options for Scenes.
Acclaim (*.asf, *.amc)

Acclaim format is a dual format where a .asf file contains a definition of a skeleton and one or more .amc files contain the motion data used by the skeleton.
Biovision (*.bvh)

Biovision file format for hierarchical or skeletal-based data.
DXF scene (*.dxf)

AutoCAD file format, which is a scene format that opens its own custom dialog boxes. See Exporting Options for Scenes.
Motion Analysis (*.htr)

Hierarchical Transformation Rotation, a hierarchical skeleton data format captured using Motion Analysis capture hardware.
Motion Analysis (*.trc)

Motion Analysis .trc format.
Obj (*.obj)

Alias Objects file format for loading object information into Maya.
Vicon (*.c3d)

Motion data file created with Vicon capture hardware.
Some file formats provide additional options that display beneath the Existing Files options in the Export Option dialog box.