Marc Philippe Beaujean


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UV Layout Problem after using Convert Node Aug. 22, 2016, 8:36 a.m.

Hey there! I used a convert node to fix the geometry on my object. However, after doing so and unwraping my textures again, I realised the the newly created Geometry did not adapt to the UV once I applied a UV Layout node. I attached some screenshots to further explain what the problem is. As you can see, the overlapping UV sides are not adapting to any changes made with the UV layout. I hope that someone can tell me what the issue is. Thank you in advance!

Rendering Quixel Color Map Aug. 22, 2016, 8:31 a.m.

Okay to answer my own question: The problem had to do with the Quixel Colors execution script. As Christopher mentioned, the tool was not compatible with 15.5 due to a change in the renderer. The tool will make a “baketexture” and all you have to do is go in manually and “render current frame” it using the “baketexture” node in your “out” view.

Rendering Quixel Color Map Aug. 18, 2016, 4:10 a.m.

I would say that I have the basics of modelling down, just the texturing department that I seem to be lacking in (partly also due to a lack of good documentation on UV manipulation in Houdini)