Mohanned Iskanderani


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Houdini Syntax to move an object 10 times with 1 transform Feb. 13, 2024, 8:02 p.m.

Hello Houdini Community,

Since houdini is becoming my new obsession to learn as I am shifting away bit by bit from Rhino/Grasshopper, I would love to know how to write syntax.

I have a small example here for move a cube 10 times in "X" or "Y" direction. Can someone help with that?

Also, Is there a library or resources for learning the syntax of houdini ? and what programming language is that considered ? Books? Youtube Videos ?

It is really easy for me to those steps in Rhino/Grasshopper but would love the easy way of doing them in Houdini as well.

Rigid Body Dynamics Floor from Rhino Feb. 10, 2024, 1:08 p.m.

Hi everyone,

I currently working on a simulation where everything is working great except for the floor collider.

The floor has been modeled in Rhino and brought to Houdini as an OBJ but for some reason the Bullet Solver is not reading it correctly.

I was told to process the OBJ floor into > vdbfrompolygons > convertvdb before plugging it into the bulletsolver, but that wouldn't still work for me.

Should I just remodel the floor in Houdini ? and can anyone show me how ?

Height field erosion on wrapped mesh (column or cyclinder) Feb. 2, 2024, 12:10 p.m.

Konstantin Magnus
Hi ComputationalMohanned,

you can transfer the vertical point positions or any other attribute of the cylinder to the heightfield, erode it, and displace the cylinder surface based on the before/after-difference of the eroded heightfield.

This is amazing. Its exactly what I wanted to do. But here is a couple of questions as syntax coding was never something I learnt before.

I see that you used Height_Cylinder with the following code, mind explaining to me what it does ?

"vector bb = relbbox(0, v@P);

vector uvw = set(bb.x, bb.z, 0.0);
vector pos = uvsample(1, 'P', 'uv', uvw);

f@height = pos.y * 500.0;

f@mask = f@height;"

Also, now that I am trying to de-code the script to learn the steps, as soon as I unfreez the frame for "heightfield_erode1" and try to simulate it again, the plane just ends up flying in the air. Is it also possible to simulate the erosion on the column and watch as they are happening live just like the regular erosion simulation on a flat plane ?

If it's too much to explain over a text replay, please note that I am welling to pay for a learning session as it is essential to figure this out for my master's thesis. Let me know if you are interested.

Let me know.