corentin baillot


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Nested assets in a studio Aug. 3, 2022, 8:59 a.m.

Ok I fixed my issue and it was simple.

So my issue was how to have HDA A finding HDA B on another computer inside unreal.

My solution was this. (We are using perforce to share the source files of the project.)

  • I submit HDA B in perforce. (exemple : F:\Source\HoudiniTools\HDA\HDA_B.hda)
  • In Unreal > Houdini plugin settings > Otl search path > link to the folder. (F:\Source\HoudiniTools\HDA\)
  • Colleagues do the same with their own path.
  • Envoy!!

So I will have a folder containing all of my "subHDA" and every tool I create will search this folder if needed.
Otl search path can contain multiple folder if needed. (separated by ; )

There is also the possibility to create en houdini.env for unreal but Otl search path is enough for us.

Nested assets in a studio Aug. 1, 2022, 11:08 a.m.

Hi! I'm looking for informations on how to do nested HDA in unreal when working inside a studio.

I'm developping a tool for other artists and for practicality I started using HDA inside my tools. When used on another computer the tool doesn't work. I have found the problem to be those HDA missing. I initially fought they would be embedded.

So, as a simplified example, we have TestingGrid_HDA_A referencing TestingGrid_HDA_B

How can I provide HDA B to my coworker and have a correct reference inside HDA A.