Darvinius Berar


About Me

Multidisciplinary 3D Artist. I started in 97' with 3SMax, the rest is history.
VFX Artist
Advertising / Motion Graphics  | Film/TV


Linza, Austria

Houdini Skills

Environments  | Animation  | Cloth  | Solaris  | Mantra  | Karma  | Lighting  | Pyro FX  | Fluids  | Destruction FX
Procedural Modeling  | Digital Assets  | Character Rigging  | Hair & Fur  | Realtime FX  | VEX  | Python


I am available for Freelance Work

Recent Forum Posts

MaterialX blur node? July 31, 2023, 6:27 a.m.

Hmm. I really wish they would implement this. Render power is not a problem these days, expensive or not is the user decision to use it or not. I really need this feature to blur out the curvature of an object for example. I do not want to or can not use the curvature node because it changes globally everything so i need to blur ONLY the curvature mask i defined already. Yes in ideal case you would have texture maps and all, but for hard surface industrial stuff with dozes of millions of poly is not fessable or practical and you simply have no time to optimize and make good texture maps so procedural mapping IS the only practical way.
I am searching forhours and hours a way to blur my curvature edge in karma CPU not even xpu, and no luck. Seriously people, this is a 20221 thread and this node still does not work.