Gabriel Charest


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Recent Forum Posts

Rendering Pyro simulation with mantra and a weird camera shake bug Sept. 10, 2017, 1:31 p.m.

I have Houdini 16.0.557 and 16.0.705 for windows and when I do a render sequence using the bottom left Launch Ouput Driver everything is fine but as soon as I try to do a render using a Mantra Output node I always get a weird camera shake in my sequence.

Do you guys have any idea what is going on? Could it be related to a Unit bug?

Thanks in advance.

Render multiple ifd files at one time? Nov. 24, 2016, 4:59 p.m.


Sorry for the beginner question here, in order to save a Houdini licenses while rendering I planned to generate IFD files for my sequences and render them using the mantra in the command prompt.

The ifd files are already generated. I can render them separately using: “mantra -f filename.(FrameNumber).ifd” command but I don't find any info how to start a render that would do all of them at the same time (instead of doing a batch files that would basically restart Mantra all the time for every frame?).

I tried “mantra -f filename.*.ifd” and “mantra -f filename.$F4.ifd” without any sucess so far.

Thanks in advance for helping me out on this!

Have a great day.
