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[BUG] the paint and sculpt sop does not work in win 32bit March 1, 2008, 3:58 p.m.

Good idea.

I'll try that “crotch” bone out.

I've been using edit paint weights with some degree of success, but it is dificult and tedious to select the proper points for editing. Going into wireframe helps somewhat,but would love to just paint away at them

[BUG] the paint and sculpt sop does not work in win 32bit Feb. 29, 2008, 4:53 p.m.


Thanks for the replies.

Can't give out the scene, but tried it on a simple sphere and box polygon.

It seems that the paint,paint weights and sculpt tools all do the same random quit thing for me.

If it is a bug as digitallysane has reported then I will have to wait for a fix.
These tools are very inportant for character work, I look forward to seeing them fixed.

By the way, The creagons are giving me creases at the shoulder and thigh pelvic regions. Any advice on those?


Paint Capture issues. Feb. 28, 2008, 5:11 p.m.


I have posted this issue in a thred that seem to be talking about a similar issue I am having with paint capture weights.

I am starting a new thread with my specific issue to see if anyone has had the same problems I am having.

I middle mouse click to select bone and paint away,move bones to deform mesh and continue to paint stray points. I repeat this process and after awhile the paint capture weights stops working. It's totally random when it happens. I have moved to geometry capture where I am using the pill shaped “creagon?” but I would like to use paint capture weights for some more complex models that I have.

Any advice on this issue would be extremely helpful.
