Guillermo Molina


About Me

Houdini Pipeline TD , with experience focused on Character Animation , Lighting, Rigging , Comp. Nuke certified trainer
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Recent Forum Posts

running code on cProfile is extremelly quick Nov. 29, 2020, 1:14 p.m.

Hi, New to the forum.

I'm currently doing an auto scene builder that reads in some textures, models and descriptions from a json file and loads them into the scene. At some point my code started to runa bit slow so I decided to do a quick cProfile to see where the bottle neck was:

cProfile.runctx('test_call()', globals(), locals())

the code went from around 25 secs to 0.7 seconds to import all the materials and models, my question is why is running the cProfiler runctx function makes the code run so much faster, I'm inclined to believe I'm doing something wrong on how I'm writing this specific python code that houdini doesnt like. does it have to with the fact that cProfile doesn't show a preview on houdini as the materials/nodes are getting created ? , is there a way to “pause” the ui to get similar speed? .

Thanks in advance.

[SOLVED] Redshift :: Missing Shader Kernel Nov. 2, 2020, 9:17 a.m.

Thanks, for anyone stumbling here after a few hrs of redshift begginer here's the setup version for dummies

1) Redshift does not work on houdini apprentice, go buy that indie license!

2) Get the latest version of Redshift that matches your version of houdini, starting on houdini 18.5 you should also install the solaris version, these are not always bundled in the latest download for the website, but rather go to the redshift forums and look for your houdini version , there's usually a blogpost by de developers with the latest plugin versions, that's the one you should copy to your plugin directory of houdini




they are two different folders because redshift considers them two different pluggins..

4)If you followed those steps go to :

and open the houdini.env file in a text editor and append the following at the end :

PATH = “C:/ProgramData/Redshift/bin;$PATH”
HOUDINI_PATH = “C:/ProgramData/Redshift/Plugins/Houdini/${HOUDINI_VERSION};&”
PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME = “C:/ProgramData/Redshift/Plugins/Solaris/${HOUDINI_VERSION}”

do yourself a favor, don't manually enter the version on these just copy and paste that and if redshift doesnt load go get the right RedShift version for your Houdini

5)Update your nvidia drivers
