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constraints, set driven key and ik Sept. 25, 2003, 9:28 p.m.

You can achieve the set driven keys effect by right clicking and holding on a channel and selecting copy parameter from the list. Now right click in the channel you want the first channel to drive and select “paste copied references”. This will put a channel expression in there which basically says follow the values. You can edit it with mathematical expressions, for instance if your expression read as follows: ch(“/obj/geo1/tx”) you can multiply the effect like so: ch(“/obj/geo1/tx”)*30. So if this expression was in the tx channel of Geo2 than any value in Geo1's tx will be multiplied by 30 in Geo2's tx. You can have almost any channel power any other channel. And once you begin to understand CHOPS then the fun really begins.

I'm just self-teaching myself Maya now. I use Max and Houdini professionally but Maya is one to know for long form projects like what I wish to get into.
