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Debate question - should SideFX invest in paint/sculpt? Sept. 2, 2022, 8 p.m.

Blender has exponential growth in features/plugins/tutorials/users/money/developpers/studia backing...
Houdini has a normal progression.
Maya has no progression
C4D has no progression
3DS Max has no progression

When all the artists/studio needs are filled by Blender, will there be a need for Houdini?

I am moving fully to Houdini.
I want to make sure I won't have to relocate again to Blender in 5 years because it is gone.
Right now I am not so sure.

Why aren't you already using blender ? It seems logical that if Blender has exponential growth and will swallow all the artists in the upcoming years, it would make sense for you to use Blender in the longterm, no ?

I'm genuinely curious.

With your longtime experience in the industry and your skills in programming you could contribute to Blender and possibly make better tools than Houdini has to offer.