Jeff Berry

Jeff Berry

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First post couple quesions, how do i prevent long term burn? May 6, 2016, 1:30 p.m.

Great vids eddgarpv!

@Jeff Holy smokes that worked. I don't know if i'm doing this an ass backwards way but i had to open a separate animation window, set that value field to be displayed in the window and then finally edit the curve values there.

This program is pretty amazing, but also a bit scary how vital parameters are so scattered with almost no documentation and subjective naming conventions.

I have no idea despite all the complexity and things that can break that this is actually sorta working so far.

I could drone on and on, like having to use $F in the texture name to render multiple frames in a batch that could simply be a checkbox, or not having any damned clue about how to render a sprite sheet, but i'll just have to keep scouring the internets for these things 1 issue at a time. Whew.

Thanks again guys!

First post couple quesions, how do i prevent long term burn? May 6, 2016, 9:14 a.m.

First and foremost I'm totally new to this software and I'm using it to generate particle movies for use in games. Are there any good tutorials that covers the workflow of generating fire/ smoke particles? I've been poking around but most tutorials don't really talk in depth about the core knobs and what they do. Rendering tutorials would be great to have as well.

Secondly, i can't seem to find a way to stop my explosion effect from continuously injecting fuel over time. I've set it to burn everything immediately, but no matter what I do after the first large burn there is residual or incoming fuel that continues to burn forever, can't seem to figure it out.

I've got a billion other questions but I suppose this would be a start. Thanks so much in advance for any help! This software is pretty intense.