julian johnson


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Timeshift SOP Inside New ForEach Loop H15.5 Oct. 4, 2016, 9:02 a.m.

I'm trying to emulate an old style For Each loop using the new For Each loop. The loop iterates over rows of geometry and timeshifts the animation of each row. In the old For Each loop the timeshift is driven by a stamp expression and works fine.

In the new For Each Loop I try and drive the timeshift frame by an expression using the ‘iteration’ detail attribute from the associated metadata node. The same attribute works fine for driving an offset in the position of each row.

However, even though the expression ‘works’ in the timeshift node's frame field it has no effect on the geometry.

I've attached a file which hopefully shows what I mean. If anyone has any pointers or explanations of the differences in the old/new looping mechanisms which might explain it I'd love to hear.