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sweeping geometry along curve depending on angle to ground June 10, 2013, 4:01 p.m.

Thank you for the demonstration via the file, tamte.
I ended up coloring the curve in red depending on the NY of each point. Then I deleted all non-red points and used the remaining ones for copying (or vice versa).
For this task I am not supposed to use VOP SOPs.

sweeping geometry along curve depending on angle to ground May 26, 2013, 5:29 p.m.

Thank you for your help, jeff and tamte - I hadn't even thought of eliminating the points per sweep that I don't want to be used.
Apparently, what I wanted to do is not as easy as I thought, which is probably because I only know a handful of nodes. I don't really understand how to use a VOP SOP, and the file attached by jeff gives me errors on opening. Both vopsops in the point wrangles show an “error in ‘vfilter1’”, and inside the node “not enough sources specified”. Could that be because I'm using v12.1?

What I understand from the file is that you seem to be placing either a box or a torus along the rayed curve, while the expression in the switch node says sth about curvature… would that be in degrees?

Just had another look at the help files - is it correct that I can change the normals of the projected pointsinto those of the surface they are hitting by checking the “Point Intersection Normal” in the ray node? Then I could create an attribute to calculate the dot product between (0,1,0) and the new point normals and get my angles, which I have to add to each point as an atribute. Finally, I'd write angle>= whatever in the switch expression and that would be it?
Sounds overly simple to me now, and it might even be partially what you said. Just need to sum it up for myself.
What kind of expression do I need to access the normals of every point and then store the angle as an attribute for every point?

Sorry if this becomes confusing, I am definitely lacking experience in the software…

sweeping geometry along curve depending on angle to ground May 25, 2013, 8:57 a.m.

Hello, I've got a problem with my houdini project that I've been stuck with for quite a few days now (a kind of outdoor-mountain-path/staircase), and Google just didn't give me the information I needed.

As the title says, I want to sweep/copy different geometry along a curve depending on the curvature (even though I'm not sure if that would be the right value). The curve itself had been resampled, so I actually need the angle to the xz-plane per point, which I tried to get with a measure node plugged into the output of the resample. The geometry pieces are ready, all that's missing is the right expression in the switch node I attached them to, which leads to the sweep.
Something else I tried was copying 2-point-lines along my curve to get tiny tangents per point. I remember having learned calculating the angle between those and the ground plane in high school, but that seems to go a bit far; there must be an easier way to do this.

However, as I am a beginner who started learning Houdini only a month ago, I have no idea how to continue. I constantly want to create some if-statements as in “if angle to ground >70 degrees, use input 2, else if…”, but for this course we are not supposed to start scripting as everything seems to be doable with nodes. Moreover, how will Houdini know which geometry to choose before sweeping? Wouldn't I have to create some sort of for-each-loop and first check for the angle, then place the geometry, and then increase the point index by 1 to go to the next one?