Lorne Kwechansky

Lorne Kwechansky

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How do you modify the orientation and add __locomotion__ speed to an Agent, and then write that out via Agent ROP? Jan. 13, 2017, 11:03 a.m.

I'm starting to experiment a bit with the H15+ crowd tools and figured the best way to learn would be to make my own agents without relying on Biped3. I've exported a few different character cycles from Warcraft, but they come with a couple problems:
  1. They're oriented along +X instead of +Z
  2. The clips have no movement, they just walk/run on the spot
  3. Houdini's Import -> FBX workflow errors out, so I'm limited to only loading them via the Agent SOP
Using the Agent Edit SOP it's very quick to rotate and add translation movement to a clip, but it seems to not stick when I write out via Agent ROP.

Also one other thing I'm not totally sure of is without the ability to actually get my FBX and bones loaded into Houdini the normal way, how would I go about attaching other things like weapons or armor to an FBX loaded via Agent SOP?

Here's an FBX of the walk cycle if anyone wants a look at it, it'll only load properly as of H15.5.714