Matthew Gifford


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Issues with point deforming multiple objects at once (hip file included) May 22, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

Hey everyone,

Been trying to wrap my head around this one for a while but after a few days of being completely stuck it would be amazing to get some help with this point deform problem I'm having.

I've got a pretty simple set-up (or so I thought) that's using the grain solver for quick softbody deformation, I've got three primitives scattered onto some geo which is then being fed into a dop net for simulations,

That part is working well, (and works fine when I want to deform a single object) the only issue I have is when I want to re-attach the original mesh to these objects with a point deform while dealing with multiple input geo's. I've been trying to create a for-each connected primitives loop for my point deform node so the in an attempt to have each piece recognised as its own object however I'm getting some strange deformations on my objects when I try to point deform them.

Any Ideas?

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