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Shading and displacement April 25, 2009, 3:31 a.m.


Since H9, Mantra supports vertex normals so you can check out this thread [] where I attribute promote point normals to vertex normals and the shading is what you expect.


Thanks, Steven. That works good. But what is it for, I mean, doing some tricks to default geometry, I thought - the default stuff should render ok and the stuff you model could have issues… like in other apps?

Shading and displacement April 23, 2009, 4:57 a.m.

Hi there.

Sorry for a noob question but I can't figure it out on my own. Here's it:

when I put a default grid and a cube, envlight and area light then render them, I get that cube rendered with artifacts. I fix it with Facet then it looks ok, but when I change the material to one that has displacement - due to faceting, all sides are separated… If I remove Facet - it's all good but for shading… I tried to use creases, but I got the same results…
Can someone explain, what's the secret of good looking shading (like faceting gives) and still good looking shading when displacement takes place?

UVPelt after Facet with Cusp Feb. 4, 2009, 10:30 a.m.

2probbins: I tried, but didn't notice any effect on shading.

2keyframe: no… I'll try, but won't this “hurt” UVs, I mean cusping pelted surface?