Mr Commentno

Mr Commentno

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Fabio Hair System May 29, 2015, 11:25 a.m.

Thanks for making this great tool, I've been using over the last couple of days and love it. A couple of things…

It doesn't seem to work with Houdini 14 properly:
-When you add guides all the hair disappears.
-When you try and use Pop hair on the shelf it gives the error ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘set’

So in the mean time I've been using it with 13.

Could you help with this- I want to shade with a colour along the curves but not by using the parametric length but rather absolute length. That way say a hair can get blonder the longer it is and the short hairs will stay dark.

I created a point attribute on the guides where short guides will go from say 0 - 0.3, and only the very longest curves will go 0 - 1. Using this attribute in the shader works well but only on the hairs that are affected by a clump, normal hairs don't seem to get the attibute. Do you know why/is there something you can change to make this work?
