Grzegorz Koszyk


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rbdmaterialfracture calculating everytime I open the scene even tho it's disabled. March 15, 2019, 8:08 a.m.

Hello everyone,

I run into an strange appearnce of rbdmaterialfracture operator, everytime even if it's not being used and furthermore is disabled, rbdmaterialfracture seems to be calculating. I have a scene with couple of those used for fracturing the geometry I cached them already to disk, but everytime I re-open the scene all of them seems to be calculating something (I see it at the bottom bar displaying that one after another does something). It takes some memory, my scene is simple It's nearly 100 boxes that are fractured at peak into 20 pieces, but when I load the scene it takes 2GB of memory I suspect because of those operators storing something in memory. I disabled enable compiling didn't help, it still remains the same.

Thanks in advance.