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display background Nov. 7, 2012, 5:52 p.m.

Hi All,

I am looking for the command to toggle the display background on or off in a scene. It looks like the hscript command, ‘viewbackground’ should work but every time I use it in textport, it returns the usage options so I assume I'm not using it right or because it is obsolete, it no longer works with the latest version of houdini. It has been replaced by hou.GeometryViewportSettings but I can't find a method that toggles the ‘display background’ on or off. Can anyone point me in the right direction please? Would greatly appreciate it

bgeo animation July 31, 2012, 3:15 p.m.

Thanks so much. Timeshift is perfect.

bgeo animation July 27, 2012, 10:35 p.m.

Hey eveyrone! Quick question on imported bgeo animation. I managed to import an animated character and used the timeblend node to hold the last frame of the animation for x amount of frames. I would like to do the same for the first frame of the anim but don't see an option. I was hoping that “hold the first frame” in the parameters would mean that it would hold it for x amount of frames but it doesn't. Does anyone know how this can be done?

Thanks for the help!