Patrick Wong

Patrick Wong

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Houdini 20 Solaris Karma Fur shader question Feb. 20, 2024, 5:58 p.m.

Can anyone here have experience with the Karma Fur shader? It is driving me crazy about it.
My cat has UV and texture of its fur. But I get no good result with the preset cat values.

I plugged the texture into the base colour. apply the preset and it goes really dark
Then I tried plugging the texture into the tint. No good result either Seem slike the colour is multiply on top of the base colour

One thing that could make some kind of texture visible is if I make the thickness scale larger then the colour from the texture map will show. It just shows, but no good result. The hair is like painted on with diffuse.

And I also want the car fur tip to be a bit white. I tried ramp, and ramp value. Probably I use it wrongly but anyways I can seem to do that.

It'd be great if someone can shine me some light on these issues

Help: GuidePartition Line don't deform with Guide Deform Oct. 10, 2023, 3:22 p.m.

Not sure if this will actually solve your problem but have you tried drawing a parting line with the Guide Groom SOP directly? You can do it with the draw brush if you enable the appropriate option.

Would you please guide me through the process?

Help: GuidePartition Line don't deform with Guide Deform Oct. 10, 2023, 1:43 p.m.

I am doing a simple test with a sphere. One sphere being stationary for the guide groom. Another one has attached with a transform node with a few key frame to simulate animations.

I have guideDeform to deform the guideGroom node so the shape can be updated. However The guide partition line doesn't deform with the rest of the line. It stays at the original mesh. Kinda need help. I might have done something wrong in the process.