Rodolphe Iainh Coudeyre

Rodolphe Coudeyre

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Return the parameter name on a multiparm parameter (python)? Dec. 8, 2015, 4:37 a.m.

Hi there,

I have a question about events on the folder multiparm.
How can I catch delete item event or clear all event?

I meet difficulties to find nformation about this. Thanks !

Bound SOP pivot problem Sept. 16, 2015, 4:37 a.m.

I've found more details for the analysis.

When I change my tool parameter (P on viewport) selection to object or world, everything is fine, but when its component, we can see the pivot changes.

Why? if someone has a idea. Is it normal for some reason or simply a little bug?

Bound SOP pivot problem Sept. 16, 2015, 4:19 a.m.


I couldn't find any information about this behavior, so I ask here:

Add a geo sop node, dive inside
Delete the file sop
Add a tube sop.
Add bound sop after the tube
Turn the viewport selection to points (2), wire display, select transform tool and select all points.

==> Iif your bound sop has a odd amount (not divisible by 2) of divisions on Z axis, the pivot will be wierd
if it has even amount (divisible by 2) of divisions on Z axis, pivot will be correct.

Any explaination for this behavior please?
